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Friday, September 2, 2011

A Tourist Guide for Benguela, Angola

Angola is renowned for being one of the most diverse countries in the world. With rolling rock formations, beautiful white sandy beaches and landscapes that will quite literally take your breath away, it is no wonder that this is a keen tourist attraction for anyone looking to take a vacation especially those with a passion for photography.
Angola is enriched by the beautiful city that is Benguela, situated in the west of the country. This city is the second most populated in the country and was originally founded by the Portuguese in the early 1600's – known back then to be the trade hub of both Cuba and Brazil especially as a trade port for slaves.
Despite being a tourist attraction, there is no McDonalds or Starbucks in Benguela and in fact, there are neither of these things in Angola as a whole. There are not many in the way of popular tourist attractions in Angola. One final fact that may also surprise you is that there is only actually one functioning escalator in the entire country. This is not known to be a country for any beginner traveler to visit. If you are a fan of photography and to be more precise photos of Angola or Benguela, this country has plenty to offer you especially when you consider that only seven years has passed since the three decades of civil war fighting which means there is plenty of historical features to photograph.
The one thing that Benguela does have to offer is a lot of adventure. From the landscapes still scattered with land mines, miles upon miles of beautiful beaches almost unknown to most sun-worshippers and fishing for some of the most exotic fish in the world, this is a town that has a lot to offer anyone looking for a vacation with a difference.
The city of Benguela is one that has developed slowly – perhaps adding to the many old features from years gone by. Old stone fortresses, exotic looking beaches such as Baia Azul and a 20th century railway track give plenty to explore and as far as investment Angola goes, this town has plenty to offer. Businessmen and other professionals can do a lot worse than putting their hard earned cash into a town such as Benguela – a growing tourism industry, plenty of fishing and salt extraction not far from Benguela all adds to this.
If you search the internet for such phrases as "photos of Benguela" or "photos of Angola" you will surely see exactly what this budding country and town has to offer. Serene, divine and beautiful are just three words mostly used by travelers that have visited these places in the world and despite being rather small in size, certainly makes up for it with regards to history, culture and landscape!

Baia Azul-Benguela Angola

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